
With a tremulous hand he shook one of the powders into the glass and gulped it down with the whisky. PANTHEA: These solid mountains quiver with the sound Even as the tremulous air: their shadows make The space within my plumes more black than night. Months after the first words came, unbidden and tremulous, he admitted to himself that he had wasted his life. There was this time no affectation in the tremulous lips and the troublous, unsteady eyes. I remembered Us face under the white lights of the parking lot, the tremulous lilt in his voice when he called seeing Spangler a gift from God, a second chance to set things right. Woods and fields are tremulous at twilight with the shimmering of white saltant forms, and immemorial Ocean yields up curious sights beneath thin moons.


Awakening at dawn when the first pale light was flowing in through the open window, I was enchanted to hear the trill of a bird-song, tremulous and ethereally sweet, the love-call of some unknown melodist to its mate.
