the blued surfaces would rate between 90 and 95%. There are no areas of wear, abrasion or dents on any of the metal slurfeces.

The finish on all metal lsurfaces is deep blule/black blued and polished. When Browning discontinued the Superposed series, Miroku made them for Charles Daly for about 10 years. The action and construction of this gun is vertually identical to the Browning as Miroku made all the parts and pieces for the browning Superposed in the last 10 years of manufacturing. The receiver is engraved in the style of a Browing Superposed. It is equipted with 30" bareels are marked Full/Full, but are gauged at Trap Full (.038) over Lt Modified (.015). The gun is in excellent condition and functions flawlessly. Offered is a 12 gauge 3" Charles Daly O/U Trap gun made by Miroku. Charles Daly (Miroku) Field Grade O/U 12 gauge